mobile worker app variations & where to find 'em
Som udgangspunkt begynder du altid på: Både Cargoroute- og NVO-appen er sat til at redirecte dig til denne adresse, hvis du prøver at tilgå dem på deres url. Dog er der vores egen demo-cargoroute som du kan finde på: ...
roekule toptex traktor ordre & navigation
charter NVO app - start finish km's per ride
I think the total of the kilometers per ride is very nice, but can we also note the start and finish of the kilometers? --> Not possible as we use odometer for start and end and multiple vehicles is able to drive a Dispatch, with different odometers. ...
charter NVO app - choose vehicle and trailer regno @ expenses fuel
it is possible to be able to choose from both license plates in the registration field. We know already which truck the driver is going to refuel. (note: we can have a cooling trailer, these are also occasionally refueled) --> Ok. We will change the ...
charter NVO app - temp registration HACCP
for the purposes of the HACCP rules, foodstuffs must always be temperature-tested and therefore we must register a temperature (in the case of no and yes). so actually there must be a Temp. field where you can register your temperature, what you have ...
charter NVO app - mileage logic
add some logic to the mileage? the final mileage can never be less than the startmileage and perhaps not deviate more than 5000 km --> As we enter Start / End Km each vehicle, we will display the Start Km when enter End Km and ensure it’s not posible ...
charter NVO app - make order and immediately create product
is it also possible that when we have made an order and press submit we immediately create a product? So no product button but automatically the product follow-up step after submit order. Good idea. We will make this.
charter NVO app / "office" hierarchy use to delimit contact choice in charter app segments
By selecting a customer, can we use a category? (why? Every charter has only a few customers, it is easier to let the driver choose at 2 or 3 customers then the whole reation database. (it is important for invoicing to do this correct) We will fix. ...
charte NVO - use of vehicles tupe & coupled to
we use the backend in fleet to register which truck is coupled with which trailer or other unit
charter NVO app - Translation remarks
Translation is done. But I see it’s not possible to choose Nederlands, sorry. This will be fixed. Default will be English, as this is a shared login page. But after you choose ex. Nederlands, it will remember the chosen language in 7 days.
charter app NVO - temperatur logic
All products placed in a product-group with ID ending “/!” is now required for enter a value (temp). Example “app/inventory/fruit/!” Products in a group without “/!” will still be able to enter a value, but not required. Label for the field to enter ...
scanner funkties wegman uitgelegd
Page 1 of 6 SCANNINGS PROCEDURE APP WEGMAN – GARDENDREAMS Bij het scannen met de ingebouwde scanner funktie, wordt de lijst voortdurend bijgwerkt met de lijst van colli op de desbetreffende order. Deze lijst is zichtbaar om de gebruiker bij te staan ...
CargoRoute: Brug af Kalender funktion på CargoRoute chauffør tablet
Ved angivelse / ændring af forventet ankomst til næste stop er det nu muligt enten at angive minutter eller ved valg af en dato og tid igennem kalenderen. Det er vigtigt at, hvis datoen (dagsdato angives automatisk) er korrekt, men hvis man ønsker at ...