ULDRadar Guide v1.0

ULDRadar Guide v1.0

Upon logging in to Portal.ULDRadar.com you arrive at the dashboard. At the center, you can see a map of the world, and where the ULDs you are associated with, were last registered, be it as owner, airline, or handler.

To the far left, you can see which pages your user is allowed to access, currently this user is allowed to pages in the Contacts and ULD category.


User Access

User access to the ULD Tracker app can be controlled from the User Access page, under Contacts.

When a new account is created, with a Ground Handler selected from one of the existing Ground Handlers, a new request is sent by mail to the relevant administrators for them to verify the user and grant them access.

This can be done by clicking the marked icons, either for multiple users or for a single user.


ULD - Assets

The overview of all ULDs connected to you can be accessed through the Assets page, under ULD.

This page displays an overview of the ULDs the user is associated with, either as Owner, Assignee, or Handler. For Handlers, it will show an overview of all the Assets they have in stock, as assets they register as outbound are disconnected from them.

The table consists of:

  1. ULD ID
  2. ULD owner
  3. ULD assignee
  4. ULD trades
  5. The number of tags

The table also provides access to a list of actions for each ULD, these actions depend on whether you are an Owner, Assignee, or Handler:

  1. Copy the ULD, and give it a new ID
  2. Update the ULD
  3. Show an overview of the Tags associated with the ULD
  4. Update the ULDs status
  5. Delete the ULD


Search Functionality

The advanced search functionality can be accessed by clicking on the search icon. This search tool offers more detailed options when searching for specific ULDs.


Create New ULD

Clicking on the Create button opens a new page to the right of the screen, where it is possible to input the details necessary to create a new ULD.

It is required to input:

  • Type
  • ID
  • Status

Optional fields are:

  • Flight Number
  • Owner
  • Assignee
  • Handler, this field is only visible if the user is not A Handler themselves, otherwise, it defaults to them.


Update ULD Status

Pressing the highlighted button opens a new window where it is possible to receive arriving ULDs or update the status of existing ULDs.

This window is supposed to provide an alternative to the ULD Tracker app in an emergency.



Each ULD that has been connected to a tag, will show how many it has been connected to. To see an overview of the tags, click on the highlighted button. This opens a new page to the right of the screen, where you can see a list of the connected tags, with information about the ID, owner, and type.

ULD - Stock Control

ULDRadar allows you to automate much of the logistics behind performing stock controls once it has been setup, while still allowing full control. This is handled by the Stock Control module, which helps you manages which airlines you are have setup for the automated process.

It displays the status of each Stock Control is, whom the airline is, how many ULDs are in stock, which email addresses are going to receive the SCM.

In order to setup an airline to automatically receive stock control messages, you need to create a new Stock Control, and assign it an airline, and one to more email addresses separated by ‘,’.

Once this is done, any stock control performed using the ULD Tracker app, is then registered and you can follow see and see when the status changes from Started to Approved, after which you can then approve or reject the stock control.

Once it has been approved, an email will automatically be sent to the respective email addresses, in the following format:




The following is an explanation of each component in the format, and what it means.

  1. {Location} is the location key, matching your ground handler.
  2. {Date} is the current date, shortened to the DDMMM format, such as 01JAN.
  3. {Time} is the clock when the message is sent, in the HHmm format, such as 0807.
  4. {Type} is the type of the ULD, such as PAG.
  5. {ID} is one or more ULD IDs, without the type separated with ‘/’.
  6. {Quantity} is only present on the last line of the type, and displays how many ULDs are present of that type in the format ‘.TX’, where X is a number.

An example can be seen below:




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