Stock Control Messages

Stock Control Messages

Stock Control Messages (SCM) in ULDRadar, is handled using both the ULD Tracker App, and the ULDRadar portal, and automates away much of the work.

SCM in ULDTracker

The ULD Tracker, together with ULDRadar, simplifies logistics behind stock controls by automating many of the associated tasks. With the app, you can view a list of all airlines with stocked ULDs at your location and how many are currently in stock.

The app provides a color-coded status for each stock control message, as follows:

  1. Red - The red color indicates that a stock control is either in progress or has been rejected by the administrative department using ULDRadar.
  2. Orange - The orange color indicates that you have completed your stock control for the given airline, and it is now waiting for the administrative department to approve it, using ULDRadar
  3. Green - The green color indicates that the stock control message has been approved and sent, and no further action is needed.
As long as the stock control has not been approved it can be continually adjusted, otherwise a new stock control needs to be initiated.

Starting a new Stock Control

You can start a new stock control for any of the available airlines by clicking on the inspection button on the left of the screen, this will prompt you first, before beginning a new stock control. Once a new stock control has been started, every ULD that is currently registered as being in stock and used by that airline will be shown, as seen below:

The following is an explanation of what each part is used for:
  1. Displays which airline currently on being worked on for Stock Control.
  2. A filter to find specific ULDs, this filters the list of visible ULD’s.
  3. The status displays whether or not the ULD has been registered as being in stock, with red meaning that it has not been registered, and green meaning that it has.
  4. The ULD ID.
  5. A button to switch the status.
  6. A button to scan ULD IDs, thereby switching the status.
  7. Displays how many ULDs have been approved.
  8. A button to approve the stock control.

The primary way to conduct stock control using the ULD Tracker app, is to scan each ULD on stock, which helps you find ULDs that have not been registered correctly, or not registered at all, and add them to the list immediately, or display which ULDs have not been found on among your stock.

If an ULD is, for one reason or another, not found in your stock, you can still approve the stock control, though this will update the missing ULDs status to missing, so you can handle that issue separately.

It is important to note:
  1. The list only shows the ULDs that have been registered with status STOCK and INBOUND.
  2. ULDs from leasing companies are only shown on the list if they have been assigned as being used by the airline.

Stock Control in ULDRadar

ULDRadar allows you to automate much of the logistics behind performing stock controls, while still allowing full control. This is handled by the Stock Control module, which helps you manages which airlines you are have setup for the automated process. It displays the status of each stock control, whom the airline is, how many ULDs have been tallied, how many ULDs are expected to be in stock, and the difference between them, as well as the name of the user who has approved the stock control in ULD Tracker, and the user who accepts the stock control using ULD Radar.

The above image shows stock control for 3 airlines.
  1. American Airlines has been approved using the ULD Tracker app, and awaits confirmation from an administrative user, using button to the right.
  2. Turkish Airlines is still in process of being tallied, and currently only 6 out the 9 expected ULDs have been registered.
  3. Reno Air has been approved, and the tally accepted.

Message Automation in ULDRadar

To streamline the process of receiving stock control messages for an airline, visit the Stock Control Messaging page. This page allows you to manage which airlines are visible on the Stock Control page and enables you to determine if and where the SCMs are sent. 

To set up automatic SCM delivery to a specific airline, simply assign the airline to the SCM and add one or more email addresses, separated by commas. You can easily modify these settings as needed to ensure efficient communication and streamlined stock control management. Once it has been approved, an email will automatically be sent to the respective email addresses.

An example can be seen below:




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