ppl online quickguide

ppl online quickguide



Units organise the unlimited amount of warehouse hubs and their linked projects


When starting a new project, we automatically generate a product group under OrderBooking / product group in order to store all relevant products for this project.

The product group is generated when defining a Project and is named identical to Project name.

** standard naming of Project Product Group is currently not allowing product visibility in the delivery driver app **
visibility in app requires app/inventory/name




notice orders are used to advise arrival of goods


To generate a new notice, the following screen must be filled in:




Starred labels MUST be entered.

New suppliers and new carriers can be entered on the fly, should they not already be available from the CRM system.

To choose a product, start writing the name to find product from the product list linked to this project.

If necessary a new product can be generated on the fly, and added to the actual project product list.

Before saving the Notice order, files can be added to the Notice order with the Select Documents function.

Documents can later be mailed onto the Notice Order by mailing attachements to the following type of address:

* 90002-orders-106226@peinemann.docscans.net

Notice list


By clicking Notice / List an overview is given of all Notice Orders that are registered.

By clikcing Notice / Calendar a calendar overview is given of which orders are acheduled to arrive at what time and what date.

Clicking on the scheduled notice orders enables the user to go directly to the receiving process.



blue means not delivered yet, green = delivered





Information from Notice Order is copied to the Receiving order which is used to document what actually has been received at the warehouse hub.

Order specifications can be changed in this instance to reflect the actual goods coming in.

cross icon: is to clear any changes that may have been made but need to be "reset" to start again.

check icon: is confirm entry when entered data is correct .

Possibility to add producst (that were not notified)

Possibility to add documents.

The reason for working with both Notice- and Receiving orders is to be able to manage differences between phases.

When receiving a new order is generated, the ETA field is stamped with the actual push of a button registration.


Receiving list

An overview of all orders in receiving status.

In this phase it is possible to print labels:


Receiving Differences



The receiving differences list is made base on differences between Notice Orders and Receiving Orders.

The hamburger menu button folds out to show the origin of the differences between notice & receiving quantities.




A new warehouse order is based on a received order.

To be able to register products in the warehouse, the goods (order) must have been received.


The values in product & qty have to be identical to values of the receiving order.

The others may vary should original packaging need to be sanitised or optimised, or split etc.
ONLY the Location and comment fields can be altered.

split icon: allows you to warehouse the products in different locations - split

reset icon: used for going back to initial starting point of registration.

When order is " warehoused" the products are allocated to "locations".

R: row

P: place

L: level

Warehouse List


The warehouse list shows the location of products and their locations.
Furhtermore inbound shows the date and time of warehouse check in.

File folder contains the documents uploaded to receiving order.

(cross status visibility planned but not implemented 280222)

edit icon enables the user to move products from one WHlocation to another.

Any WHlocation can be used as many times as required.
iow: the WHlocation is currently not blocked when in use.


Warehouse Log


The warehouse log shows the mutations in the warehouse.

Green plus icon: added to warehouse

Red icon: retreived from warehouse

gray icon: relocated in warehouse



Request new & list

Request orders are made for delivery of warehoused products.

Currently a request cannot be made for products that are not in warehouse.

Request Order List shows the current orders that need to be delivered from the warehouse.

A request order is basis for a picking list (check icon).


Picking new & list

When a request order has generated a Picking order, a Picking New order can be made.


first action will be to "TAKE"

user can either take 30 or less, warehouse will be updated accordingly.

Last action before concluding the picking process is the allocation of a transport item.

The product is now taken from warehouse and is not visible in warehouse any more.


At the end of the picking process, this cancel button will re-warehouse the 30 pcs of products to the location they were taken from.

So cancel will reverse the picking process and let you start again.

Order to pick can be found in the picking order list


The check icon will initiate the picking process.

Picked products will make the order lines of a picking order.



It is not required to allocate products to a transport item.

When the picking process is finished the Picked order will become a Shipping order ready to be dispatched and available through driver app.


Shipping list & differences

From the Shipping order list, orders can be dispatched for delivery.

The shipping order differences, visible in this screen:

Show the difference between Request- & Shipping orders.

In order to see the products in driver app, add

"app/inventory/name" to the product group id

--> dispatch

--> driver app