All calls to the API will require a GUID that will be given to you. The GUID will be referred to as <ID> in the URL.
Before every example-URL you will need to add the API Base URL from the top of this section. Like this:
An ActionNote consists of the following fields
POST /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/<ID>
Example body
"SupplierIDX": "int", // Foreign Key (IDX) to Contact - See Find a Contact
"DeliveryIDX": "int", // Foreign Key (IDX) to Contact - See Find a Contact
"CarrierIDX": "int", // Foreign Key (IDX) to Contact - See Find a Contact
"SupplierID": "string" // Foreign Key (ID) to Contact
"DeliveryID": "string" // Foreign Key (ID) to Contact
"CarrierID": "string" // Foreign Key (ID) to Contact
"Customer": {
"Reference": "string", // REQUIRED, UNIQUE – See also Find an ActionNote
"Name": "string",
"Phone": "string",
"Email": "string"
"Destination": "string",
"Flight": "string",
"HAWB": "string",
"MAWB": "string",
"Agreements": "string",
"DateOutsourcing": "date", // "ex. 2022-01-31"
"DateAirline": "date", // "ex. 2022-02-14"
"Screening": "bool", // REQUIRED
"Services": {
"EAW": "bool",
"VOM": "bool",
"MAS": "bool",
"LAB": "bool",
"DOX": "bool",
"AWO": "bool",
"OFP": "bool",
"DGD": "bool",
"SHU": "bool"
"Product": {
"Item": "string",
"Volume": "string",
"Quantity": "number",
"Weight": "number"
To find an ActionNote in the system, you can use this route. REFERENCE refers to the Reference-field of the Customer in the ActionNote-object.
If the ActionNote doesn’t exist, you will receive null in the body, otherwise you will receive an ActionNote-object. Inside the ActionNote-object you will find the IDX-value, which you can use later to update it or check the status.
GET /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/<REFERENCE>/<ID>
Example body
"Status": "Open", // Whether you are allowed to edit the ActionNote
"MAWB": "123-1234",
"Flight": "Flight 123",
"DateOutsourcing": "2022-08-14",
"DateAirline": "2022-08-17",
"Product": {
"Quantity": 123,
"Weight": 456
"IDX": 1234
To edit the details of a ActionNote you first need to look it up using the method from Find an ActionNote, edit the fields that needs changing and send the full object back, with the IDX that you find inside the original object.
PUT /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/<IDX>/<ID>
Contacts are people or companies that will be used as references in ActionNotes.
To find a Contact in the system, you can use this route. IDENTIFIER refers to the ID-field of the Contact.
GET /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/<IDENTIFIER>/<ID>
If the Contact doesn’t exist, you will receive null in the body, otherwise you will receive a Contact-object. Inside the Contact-object you will find the IDX-value, which you will need later to update the Contact or reference it in an ActionNote. (See Creating an ActionNote)
Example body
"ID": "ContactID",
"Company": null,
"Name": null,
"IDX": 1234
A Contact consists of the following fields
POST /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/<ID>
Example body
"ID": "string", // REQUIRED, UNIQUE
"Company": "string", // Name OR Company IS REQUIRED
"Name": "string", // Name OR Company IS REQUIRED
"Address1": "string",
"Address2": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"City": "string",
"Country": "string",
"Phone": "string",
"Fax": "string",
"Mobile": "string",
"Email": "string"
PUT /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/<IDX>/<ID>
To edit the details of a Contact, you first need to look it up using the method from Find a Contact, edit the fields that needs changing and send the full object back, with the IDX that you find inside the original object.
Examples on how to use the requests from Contacts - Documentation
POST /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/<ID>
Example body
"ID": "FIRMA123ABC",
"Company": "Firma ApS",
"Name": "Kontaktperson Jensen",
"Address1": "Firmavej 123",
"Zip": "1234",
"City": "Firmaby",
"Country": "Danmark",
"Phone": "+4512345678",
"Fax": "+4512345678",
"Mobile": "+4512345678",
"Email": "kontaktperson@firma-email.dk"
Example response
"Success": true,
"Message": "If something goes wrong, a message can be found here",
"IDX": 1234
GET /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/FIRMA123ABC/<ID>
Using the same ID as given in Example 1A, you would get the object that you created in 1A, but this time including an IDX-field that you will need when creating an ActionNote or editing this Contact.
Example body
"ID": "FIRMA123ABC",
"Company": "Firma ApS",
"Name": "Kontaktperson Jensen",
"Email": "kontaktperson@firma-email.dk",
"IDX": 1234
PUT /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/Contact/1234/<ID>
To update the information of a Contact, you will first need to get the full Contact-object from Example 1B, then change the fields that needs to be edited and then send the full object back (with the changes) to the above URL.
Example body
"ID": "FIRMA123ABC",
"Company": "Firma ApS",
"Name": "Kontaktperson Jensen",
"Address1": "Firmavej 1234",
"Zip": "5678",
"City": "Firmalandsby",
"Country": "Danmark",
"Phone": "+4512345678",
"Fax": "+4512345678",
"Mobile": "+4512345678",
"Email": "kontaktperson@firma-email.dk"
Example response
"Success": true,
"Message": "If something goes wrong, a message can be found here",
"IDX": 1234
Examples on how to use the requests from ActionNotes - Documentation
To create an ActionNote we can create a JSON-object looking like this
POST /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/<ID>
Example body
"Customer": {
"Reference": "11111111",
"Name": "Kunde Andersen",
"Phone": "+4522222222"
"Destination": "BLL",
"FLIGHT": "ABC3333",
"HAWB": "4444444",
"MAWB": "555-66666666",
"DateOutsourcing": "2022-02-14",
"DateAirline": "2022-02-16",
"Shuttle": false,
"PickUp": false,
"Screening": false,
"Services": {
"EAW": false,
"VOM": false,
"MAS": false,
"LAB": false,
"DOX": false,
"AWO": false,
"OFP": false,
"DGD": false
"Product": {
"Item": "Equipment",
"Weight": "111",
"Quantity": "22",
"Volume": "33*444*55"
"SupplierIDX": 1111,
"DeliveryIDX": 2222,
"CarrierIDX": 3333
Example response
"Success": true,
"Message": "If something goes wrong, a message can be found here",
"Number": 777777
"IDX": 8888888
To create an ActionNote we can create a JSON-object looking like this
POST /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/<ID>
Example body
"Customer": {
"Reference": "11111112",
"Name": "Kunde Nielsen",
"Phone": "+45 22222222"
"Destination": "BLL",
"FLIGHT": "DEF3434",
"HAWB": "4444455",
"MAWB": "667-77777777",
"Agreements": "Please be careful\n\nContains fragile goods!"
"DateOutsourcing": "2022-02-17",
"DateAirline": "2022-02-21",
"Shuttle": false,
"PickUp": false,
"Screening": true,
"Services": {
"EAW": false,
"VOM": false,
"MAS": false,
"LAB": true,
"DOX": false,
"AWO": false,
"OFP": false,
"DGD": false
"Product": {
"Item": "Fragile Goods",
"Weight": "2222",
"Quantity": "33"
"SupplierID": "FIRMA123",
"DeliveryIDX": 5556,
"CarrierIDX": 6667
Example response
"Success": true,
"Message": "If something goes wrong, a message can be found here",
"Number": 777778
"IDX": 9999999
Using the same Reference as given in Example 2A, you would get the ActionNote that you created with its status.
GET /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/11111111/<ID>
When you get the Status of an ActionNote, you will receive an object like the one below. Status can either be “Open” or “Closed”. If the Status is “Closed” you will not be able to edit the ActionNote anymore.
Example body
"Status": "Closed",
"MAWB": "555-66666666",
"Flight": "ABC3333",
"DateOutsourcing": "2022-08-17",
"DateAirline": "2022-08-19",
"Product": {
"Item": "Equipment",
"Weight": "111",
"Quantity": "22",
"Volume": "33*444*55"
"IDX": 8888888
When updating an ActionNote, you can change the fields available in the object from Example 2B.
PUT /Customers/CargoCenterBillund/ActionNote/Export/8888888/<ID>
Be aware that you can only update ActionNotes where Status is “Open”!
Example body
"MAWB": "555-66666666",
"Flight": "ABC4444",
"DateOutsourcing": "2022-08-12",
"DateAirline": "2022-08-14",
"Product": {
"Quantity": 25,
"Weight": 111
Example response
"Success": true,
"Message": "If something goes wrong, a message can be found here",
"IDX": 8888888
Please notice that we’re using the Reference to get the ActionNote in Example 2B (GET), but to update the ActionNote in Example 2C (PUT), we are using the IDX, which is returned from Example 2A and Example 2B